Before / Afterschool Programs

The Learning Treehouse offers a school age program serving children in public preschool through 5th grade (or through age 12). Our program focuses on the needs of our children based on their age range and interests. we can then rotate smaller groups of students in different activities such as learning center free play, outdoor play, and homework time. This ensures more age appropriate support and attention to the needs of this school age population of students. The Treehouse teachers will assist with support and guidance for homework while also giving our students that much needed free choice time (indoor/outdoor) after a long day at school. This particular program offers extended care on most days schools are closed for an additional fee. Children enrolled in this program will have first priority to sign up for school aged summer camp too.

The Learning Treehouse serves the following schools….

Blandford Elementary - public school bus transports children to our location - afternoon care only

South Effingham Elementary - our bus transports children for afternoon care only