Dancing Little Stars

Dancing Little Stars will be taking over dance services at The Treehouse! You can sign up at any time and classes begin in November.

Dance starts at age three. The days of the weeks for classes are still TBD.

About Dancing Little Stars!

Dancing Little Stars, The Mobile Dance Company started in 1997. We offer children 3 to 11 years of age beginning Ballet and Tap with age appropriate Hip Hop instruction. We focus on poise, concentration, memory and balance… while having fun! Classes are held at your child’s school, so there is no commuting to a studio after work or on weekends. Your child can participate in their dance recital at the end of the dance season. Classes start in September and run through May.

Classes are held once a week at your child’s school, consisting of 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or an 1 hour of ballet and tap with incorporation of age appropriate hip hop.